Thread: Weirs Closed
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Old 04-27-2014, 12:19 PM
Smalls Smalls is offline
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Originally Posted by "W" View Post
Tell me how it's unhealthy? Tell me how saltwater is going to destroy marsh that has had saltwater for years

Have you been back there? Have you seen that some of the old boat runs are grown over? Who is saying it's not healthy?

WL&F biologist seem pretty confident that it has made a great come back after storms

So who is saying it's unhealthy? Because we sure are not hearing that
What LDWF biologists have you talked to? How many times have I said I've been back there? How many times have I said I've worked in that marsh? How many times have I said I've taken salinity measurements behind those weirs and had readings at 32 ppt?

That is way too high for a brackish marsh, which is what occurs behind the weirs.

Give me a name of someone you have talked to that says that marsh is perfectly fine. I bet you can't. I know you can't, because your bluffing. If that marsh were perfectly fine, they would not need the weirs.

Just give me a name. Give me an office, because I know people that work all over the state in LDWF, I have many friends that work for LDWF, and I'm certain you are full of crap.
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