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Old 04-27-2014, 08:05 PM
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King Mackeral
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Baton Rouge, LA
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Compared with more experienced surf fishers, 100 yards is on the modest side. I can't get that distance in a head wind, but in a tail wind or still air, I can do it. There's no way to do it in a boat, too much swinging and shifting momentum, and it's a 12 ft rod that is unweildy in a boat.

Guys actually have contests with surf casting distances and the winners are almost always beyond 200 yards. We're putting together a pneumatic launcher for those distances. I think most grown men can manage 100 yards with a set-up like ours and a little practice from the beach.

We're planning to fish either Holly Beach or Rutherford Beach on tournament day. You're welcome to stop by. If there's room on the pier at Calc. Pt. I could even give a demo there. Find me and remind me. It does take some swinging and motion with a 4 oz sinker, so someone standing in the wrong spot could be injured.
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