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Old 05-01-2014, 08:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Clampy View Post
" our HOA says no marijuana "
Ha ha ha ha
But we shoot guns like crazy
What's more dangerous in your opinion
Pot or a Gun ?
Our founding fathers agreed that forcing citizens to be unarmed was more dangerous, which is why the US Constitution and Louisiana Constitution both recognize the right to keep and bear arms.

If the Constitution had guaranteed the right to own and use marijuana, I would oppose the passing of laws that infringed on that.

Finally, you are being dishonest to say "we shoot guns like crazy." Many family members are enthusiastic shooters, but far from shooting "guns like crazy" we are absolutely dogmatic about gun safety.

All family members who shoot participate regularly in both safety and marksmanship training. We obey all the gun safety rules. The informal shooting ranges on our properties have carefully constructed backstops, carefully considered and approved safe shooting directions, noise abatement improvements, and limited shooting hours to minimize potential disturbance to others in the neighborhood.

It is unfortunate (and suggests an agenda to restrict RKBA) that you portray safe and legal use of firearms as "crazy."
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