Thread: LUS rain barrel
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Old 05-03-2014, 07:58 PM
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Ratdog Ratdog is offline
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The barrel is needed more right now in the front. The sun has bleached the iron plants and is killing the othe bed plants. Any extra water to help during drought the better. No more shade and ground up stumps need water too befor leveling and seeding and during seeding.

Yep front needs it more. Sorry. That's just how it is and it is not installed permanent now is it. It can be moved can't it. Why I wonder would people be looking at it as an eye sore ..l..l.l..l.l.

It's going to be used as intended .
It will help.
It's not something that would lower your property values like a tree cut in half for power lines . A big reason we cut the trees down as they would have looked like crap after power co. Finished and one had a bad fungus rot and needed to come down.

I think the one hour wait for the thing was reasonable and the cost too. Free water 55gal at a time.........I hope.
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