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Old 06-10-2014, 04:57 PM
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Ratdog Ratdog is offline
Red Snapper
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: We're my boat is
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Can't read op's question but I promises there is a lot to learn. And you can die out there. Even after you catch fish. There is always a failure of equipment and your too fare from wallmart. And if u can't magiver a fix u screwed . Even see weed can mess up yo ur equip. Hooks line fail . Fish ar too big to Handel or too small to eat. And god forbid the water police come after,you. You need to know we're u going and how to get back .watch for hazards along the way.

But the fight of you life can be had .and the biggest fish u ever did see can be in pictures with u. Memories of good days with good people and there is something about feeling free and catching food in large packages. You get the good kind of wore out and look like you spent a large amounting atan solan. Without doing a thing. Wemon like to tag along so the nice coconut smell from suntan oil permeates the smell of fresh bait. LOL. And you just feel good on the water.

My idea of ins and outs might differ but with a boat that has cabins there are more as I'm shore you can imagen.

In and outs ya lots to say about that.

Thanks for letting me post on your thread and wish thing were different just I wanted to get that out as I had not had the opera unity to speek about this.
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