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Old 06-12-2014, 03:30 PM
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Ratdog Ratdog is offline
Red Snapper
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: We're my boat is
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I have seen this first hand. When in Hawaii I lived in a privat marina and was fishing on braker wall when a group of 6 guys came into bay. They started to set a net and I notced the bait fish running for cover into the marina and up the river on privet land.i called them over and took three guys with me. Two to swim the marina and one for river. At signal there was the biggest ruckus and they met at the mouthe of the marina. The group closed off the net and wala a tun of bait fish.
The next three days were spen looking for schools and baiting them . So this is how it starts. Next they throw in scoops of bait and work school up into frenzy. A literal tuna mad house so much so they bite on bait less hooks. Some guys put a chicken feather but the hook has no barb. You hook um on long long Hevey poll sling um out water over your head onto deck. I heard the boat I saw had so many fish you had to walk on um to get around.

Two more days went by and I got a call from the captain and He meet me um at dock in Honolulu running out of fule and so waited down bilg pump running due to waves over rails they docked. Captain later told me he got his boat out of hock and paied his crew for the year. Big big catch. He said and not without extra bait it would not be possible.

I got fresh tuna brought to me for a year.

Very cool traditional way to harvest tuna in a screening frenzy.
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