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Old 07-10-2014, 01:21 AM
Gerald Gerald is offline
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Location: Lake Charles / Moss Bluff
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Just read all these post.

MG..... the question was asked and we were told that some or all of the power point presentation will be posted on the CPRA [Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority] web site. I talked with Chuck Perrodin after the meeting and he said it might take a couple of days before he can it it posted. He said to find the information: start by clicking on "calendar". Chuck's phone # is 225 342-7615 or 225 768-8882 cell.

There was a post earlier today about the meeting room was going to be "packed"......and it was. There were quite a few people standing in the back and just a couple of empty seats. I made a ruff estimate that there could have been 250 people there.

In the last few minutes of the meeting [with 30-40 people still there] the subject of using data to decide if limits need to be changed was discussed. I tried to get the speaker to say that the LDWF biologist 10 years ago, when the Big Lake limit was lowered, said that a change is not needed. He said that this was not said by the LDWF.

FYI.... Texas is now consider lowering the Trout limit [on the lower half ?] of their coast. Get this........ because there is major land loss and they think they should lower the limit now. Does that sound like the same "bull" we were told 10 years out about Big Lake.
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