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Old 07-14-2014, 10:13 PM
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Originally Posted by duckman1911 View Post
Again im calling BS. You mixing politicians and adultery is the same as mixing cocaine and prostitutes. They just go hand in hand.
No one should ever accept ongoing adultery no matter if it is the man or the woman.
I will strongly disagree with your view that men are taught that its ok and that women are taught that they should just deal with it.
Believe me, there are plenty of personal examples of this ugliness in my family too. I picked a public example, because it is well known. Men should not be taught that it is ok, but what did the failure to remove Bill from office and Hillary's failure to divorce him teach men? Bill got away with it. Lots of men get away with it. Men should not get away with adultery. 18 years of child support, a lifetime of alimony, and losing all his assets sound about right. A man should lose his job and career too if the adultery occurs at work or with a subordinate.

Women are seldom taught explicitly that they should deal with it, but what was the effect of Hillary's example and the example of other women who for one reason or the other tolerate their husband's ongoing adultery?

I think the woman who redecorated the truck set a fine example that adultery is not ok. Yeah, some property got damaged, but the harm caused by the cheating husband who has broken up one family and started another with some tramp is much greater.

I understand that there are some unfair things in the legal word of divorce and family court and all of that. I've never heard of a case so bad that I cannot honestly say that if the husband was cheating, he did not actually get less than his marital unfaithfulness deserved.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Adultery is a stupid game. Adulterers deserve all the stupid prizes divorce court offers.
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