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Old 07-31-2014, 08:52 PM
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noodle creek noodle creek is offline
Red Snapper
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: lake charles
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That guide is a moron. Before I even read the part about him wanting to reduce limits to 6 and 3, I was already thinking that he was "one of those guys."

Social media is making these issues into something that they are not. LAS posts all kind of articles every day that make me cringe. Knowing that people who don't get on the water much or may not be the most experienced fishermen read these articles and panic really bothers me. It is too easy for a few guides or people of authority who have differing opinions from most other fisherman to put a scare to the general public. There are so many guides who don't get on the internet for these reasons. They are out there every day still catching fish, and no one realizes this because it's not news worthy and they don't feel the need to boast about success.
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