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Old 08-07-2014, 05:14 PM
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post

The quotes from Blanchet are especially on point.

I know there are varying opinions on Masson, but I like him, regard him as well above average as a writer in getting his facts right, and appreciate that he is able to get Blanchet to talk.
I used to think he was a good writer and a friend to sportsmen but lost all respect for Todd Masson when he started writing articles championing the drastic need to cut trout limits because a few suit and tie fishermen weren't able to catch limits of 10 lb trout so the sky must be falling and we need a 10 or even a 5 trout limit so everyone can start catching 10 lb trout again .

he did several of these idiotic stories repeating his cry about the sky is falling every couple of months and every time the only proof of need for this was they aren't catching big giant trout like they used to and there was always one stupid charter captain who didn't know how to catch fish so it must be someone elses fault. in my mind he is just as bad as CCA wanting to start restricting fishing limits for insane non-scientific reasons and working hard to invent a reason to do so and he continues to find a way to beat that drum in every article.
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