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Old 08-11-2014, 10:42 PM
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Red Snapper
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Originally Posted by MathGeek View Post
If the crab will fit into the mouth of the redfish you are targeting, they will eat it.

We target bull reds. Whole market crabs work.
well the majority of what we catch is cookie cutter 24" reds and they only seam to want 25-30 count shrimp and im tired of buying $6 lbs shrimp for bait so im looking for mullet source in my area or making the crabs work.

we fish lake ponchartrain and there are MASSIVE schools of glass minnows forming solid clouds at times from the surface to the bottom yet when I catch croakers or minnows the fish let them die on the hook untouched so for whatever reason they aren't feeding on minnows (go figure lol) but these minnows or small croakers must be what are cleaning the crabs shells out as fast as they hit the bottom but even in golden meadow when I tried crab I found the meat was gone way too quickly.

also what do you do with the claws? are they good bait by themselves? I have just been smashing them and tossing them in the area for chum
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