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Old 08-20-2014, 01:48 PM
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Finfeatherfur Finfeatherfur is offline
King Mackeral
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I have been sitting back and taking it all in - since not all the facts are out. One thing that has set me off is the public officials and governmental leaders that are using this incident to get some time on the boob tube. It is absolutely ludicrious what the governor said about "prosecuting" the officer, it is eaqually apalling for Holder to go show his face over there - when they have double digit homicides in Chicago on a weekly basis which are for the most part black on black crimes.

All indications by people with a brain read it as a 6'4, 300lb thug high on marijuana which was probably "wet" (won't show on testing) was confronted by a white police officer and engaged. The officer was attempting to retreat to his unit (multiple witnesses) when the thug went in after him and officer was already injured. He wanted his gun, so he got it!!!

I am appalled as to what the political leaders are saying and how they are conducting themselves. I am also fed up with the news media cooking the stories to make in more "meaty" for ratings.

I will leave you guys with a few closing statements:
1)- If I am holding my AR rifle and I'm ordered to clear the streets of people rioting and causing mayhem, I will do that. I the course of those actions you threaten me I will issue you a warning that may sound like the guy in the video "I will kill you" if needed!!!!
2)-Of the poeple looting, rioting, and shooting up the night - how many actually live there where it happened???
3)- Over a month ago, I had to assist one of my coworkers who was shot in the neck in an ambush attack. He will never be the same - currently still in a rehab hospital after 24 years of service to his community. *the thug that shot him had no job, was not paying child support for his kids, and was living off his girlfirends welfare money. Where is the outrage?
4)- On that same day, an officer in Vermillion Parish was shot and killed by 2 thugs. Where is the riots and outrage - where is Holder? Why doesn't he come apologize to these two families?
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