Thread: Shrimp Timing
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Old 10-17-2014, 04:39 PM
Robert Haynes Robert Haynes is offline
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Rogers, Ar
Posts: 97
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Little over 2 weeks and I'll be there. You guys are fortunate to live in Sportsman's Paradise. I literally dream about this trip every year. It's like a buck in rut though, since I can only fish once a year, 6 days straight, I am wore out. I plan my strategy all year but then when I finally get on BL, things just seem tough, so much water. I have narrowed a few spot down over the years and do decent enough. Wish Hackberry had a restaraunt, 1st time there I told my wife we were gonna eat that night at the "Speckled Trout". Got there and sign said "Ladies Night, Girls in Pajamas Drink Free". Needless to say, we didn't go in.
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