Thread: Christmas gumbo
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Old 12-27-2014, 07:53 PM
Ilovestohunt Ilovestohunt is offline
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Originally Posted by Cappy View Post
Ok, she wacks up da chicken covers it with water in a gumbo pot and boils it till its tender. Old hens take some boiling. She takes the hen out to cool and adds to the stock all the makings. Sausage onion celery etc ya know the drill. She saves some onions to add to the roux to stop it cooking. While the hen is cooling she makes the roux once it is dark she adds it to the stock stirring till she gets the consistency she wants then adds already smothered okra. While that is simmering she pulls the hen apart and puts it back even dicing the skin and adding it. The dogs get the knuckles and some goes out to the kitties so we all enjoy the process. It's so simple uneducated ole Cajun grandmas have been doing it for centuries. It aint rocket science its gumbo.

Might be simple but it dame good!!!!

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