Thread: Gas prices
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Old 12-27-2014, 11:20 PM
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Default Gas prices

Originally Posted by "W" View Post
Good graph but I'm going to size it up better in last 15 years this was were oil made it's climb in history

We never saw $100 bbl oil until 2008 but the climb started in late 2002 or 2003 when we started seeing $50 ,$60 , $70 , 80 and 90 bbl oil

Once we saw this power surge on the oil industry it has become black gold and started having much move power to the market as you see on your chart

The gap closed as oil became the most valued commodity to the US

Very impressive job cropping that graph, and interpreting it. Did you even read it? We had $100 bbl oil way before 2008, but you cut that part out.

I never knew it got its nick name of "black gold" in the last 15 years

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