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Old 02-10-2015, 04:21 PM
Sightwindow Sightwindow is offline
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Originally Posted by keakar View Post
went see the leeville launch yesterday and while its nice, I must say its disappointing to say the least.

its just a large open gravel road parking lot with back down slips and a very narrow kayak launch ramp that looks small (one or two at a time) but I guess its fine as long as you aren't launching as a group. there was a truck and trailer parked right in the center of the shell lot where the road is supposed be but this guy obviously hadn't given that any thought and thought you just parked anywhere you wanted. good thing no one else was around at the launch (very windy) or it would be hard to pass around this idiot.

what disappoints me is there is no lighting or restrooms or anything like that, not even a port-a-potty, and there is nothing directing people where or how to park and as we know common sense isn't very common so if a few idiots start parking at a slant instead of straight or if they cant figure out the unmarked road is supposed to be a spot left open in the center of the shell lot then I can see where it can be a CF fairly easy.

it would have been nice if they at least had paved the road itself so its clearly marked and idiot proof.

I am very grateful to have it but I was also hoping to see more from the money spent so far on it.

I hope when the later stages are completed, they also plan to address the lack of any thought into how basic and "raw" the setup is at the moment. it looks like they spread shells out onto a flat strip of marsh and dug a back down ramp with shot piers for launching and that's it. im not expecting first class paved parking lots and full amenities but this looks about as basic as basic can be.
How long does it take to launch a kayak?
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