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Old 03-10-2015, 11:31 AM
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Originally Posted by BassYakR View Post
A cheap kayak to paddle out your baits would be 100% the best and easiest option.... paddle out about 400yrds n drop a big bloody peice of bait.... LOTS of BIGGG sharks have been caught on the gulf coast lately... .
I've started that conversation with the teenagers most likely to do the paddling and we've started evaluating kayaks.

The last few trips to the beach, we've been observing the surf and asking the question, "how do we feel about paddling out under the current conditions?"

Colder water and a stiff S breeze often combine to create conditions no one is eager to paddle out it, though we like fishing the beach in fall and winter. All our research indicates that a drone will be effective dropping baits even with 15 mph S winds. Ain't nobody wants to paddle out a yak in that.

We live too far from the beaches to know for sure the conditions before we make a trip. When we make a trip we gotta make it happen regardless of conditions.
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