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Old 03-19-2015, 12:42 PM
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Nickt87 Nickt87 is offline
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Originally Posted by LadyFishKiller View Post
That's all good and well, and I understand where y'all are coming from. But to tell people not to do something because you were unsuccessful and those before you were unsuccessful is crazy talk to me. Sounds like a piss poor attitude to have. Sounds a lot like quitting. “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” – Dale Carnegie That quote is in no way a reference to anybody on this thread. Sounds to me like we would have a big group at every single meeting hollering the same thing. Guess it's just easier to do it on here, and discourage people who want to do the unthinkable and make waves at meetings held by the sinister group they call CCA.
Good luck bud. A few pointers that may have some influence on your success. Get some ball hugger khakis, a PFG shirt tucked in, a nautical flag belt, flip flops, frat strap for your shades, a fraternity symbol ankle tat, and most importantly have family with money.

Report back here when you save the coast. And while you're at it go take care of America's welfare problem and deficient school system.

But seriously Good Luck, report back and tell us how it goes.

P.S. you better take that profile pic of all those gar down. They'll put a tight limit on those too if they see that Pic!
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