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Old 03-19-2015, 01:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Smalls View Post
Again, the people that are on here, "*****ing and moaning" as you would say, are the same ones that were at the State of the Lake meeting, ASKING QUESTIONS. CCA just prescribed to that Patches O'Houlihan philosophy of "Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge".

You can throw out "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" if you want, but that doesn't change anything. What is going to have to happen is an organization to counter CCA, because trying to change it from within does nothing.

What I love is people that say they don't agree with everything CCA does, but they still give them their money. So what don't they agree with? It must not be anything serious if they are still willing to give their money to them.

I would give my money to DU or the N W T F in a heartbeat, because they do good work in our state. Never will give another dime to CCA because they don't. They build a reef or two and say "hey, look what we did".

Got to organize something to counteract them. That is the only way to change anything.
Can I get an Amen??
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