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Old 03-21-2015, 06:58 AM
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Default CCA Endgame: Limit of Two Revealed in Membership Commercial

All anglers with common sense have been offended by CCA's never ending push for more restrictive limits, even when there is no sound science showing that maintaining generous limits endangers the future of the fishery. Louisiana natives know that the incredible productivity and lower fishing pressure in Louisiana waters allows more generous limits that more heavily pressured, less productive waters of other states.

While trying to improve my skills fishing the Mississippi River for catfish around Baton Rouge, I came across a CCA commercial that indicated that CCA won't be happy until they've reduced the limit to only two fish:

Fishing ... it's about taking a couple home for dinner tonight and saving a few for tomorrow.

So there it is, a clear revelation of the CCA view that a keeping a cooler full of fish to stock up the freezer is raping the resource and taking more than our fair share, even though there is no data supporting the idea that it is not sustainable four fisherman to keep 100 specks (when they can catch them) and/or 20 redfish and/or 40 flounder.

Think I'm exaggerating: Have a look at this article bragging on CCA Texas for getting TX limits lowered to 2 flounder and 5 specks. CCA Texas controls the purse strings and the policy positions of CCA Louisiana and the recent tripletail restrictions (and the support of CCA LA) were taken straight from the CCA TX playbook. http://www.texassaltwaterfishingmaga...bpage2086.html

Let's stop CCA's efforts to take home sustainable harvests of fish to stock up the freezer and share with family and friends. Boycott the S.T.A.R.
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