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Old 04-08-2015, 01:06 PM
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Default Walter Scott MURDERED in Cold Blood by a Killer Cop

I know law enforcement officers have to deal with a lot and sometimes are forced to make a tough decision to ensure they protect their own safety.

It is my opinion that MOST of the time an officer must fire his weapon and a jury decides he was wrong in doing so, it is a decision that he made in the heat of the moment and was an honest mistake. Recently, LEO have been under scrunity which I think a lot of racists like Reverend AL Sharpton blow up into something it should not be.

However, when I saw this video my blood pressure went up and my heart rate increased. Up until this video surfaced the local police department had this ruled as a clean and legal shoot because the officer felt his life was in danger.

This officer should be sentenced to DEATH the same as any other criminal who murders someone. I hope the trial is a long and drawn out one so that EVERY inmate in the prison gets a chance to do whatever they want to do to a KILLER COP!

This *** hole emptied his magazine on an unarmed man 20' away from him that was running away from him! I know the guy was breaking the law by running, may be a drug dealer or thug, and may have even done things worse than that.

But that is for a jury to decide and this trigger happy SOB had the mind frame that he has the authority to murder someone is a serious issue that is probably deeply engrained in his entire department.

I am not sure why this video made me so mad. I usually feel that when a cop shoots a criminal the criminal did something to provoke it and had it coming. But this is just flat out COLD-BLOODED MURDER in my opinion.

What are ya'll thoughts?

See Raw Footage of Walter Scott Shooting:
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