Thread: Man Camps
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Old 04-09-2015, 08:08 AM
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BloodKnot BloodKnot is offline
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With every plus there is a minus. This area and most of the people are happy to see this expansion. There will be some bad apples that do come along. Our population will grow and I hope to see our government controled agencies such as the police force and fire fighters grow at a similar rate. I am not saying criminals are coming in by buses. But with growth there will be prosperity, crime, good and bad.

The man camps are a very good idea for the SWLA area as we are not prepared to see 3000+ workers come in. Don't forget about traffic and infrastructure. Man camps provide buses and cause less stress than everyone taking a car.

But there needs to be a mix of thru rooftop growth that will sustain beyond the boom. And modular that can be taken down and not harmful to the economics and environment.
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