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Old 04-16-2015, 06:05 PM
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Fishaholic247 Fishaholic247 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Moss Bluff, LA
Posts: 67
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Until they stop catering to the duck hunting out there, the BASS fishing will suffer. I know a couple of people that can go out there on almost any given day and catch multiple wall mounts but there aren't many that know that place and what to do out there like they do. Ducks will fly south for the winter every winter no matter what they do to the pool. Those BASS that are in the pool every winter that have to retreat to the east side the south side the west side or the canals know NO consistency and there will be NO "back in the day" consistency out in the pool until they do. Hell.. levee off the pool some more and raise it a few feet and you wont have to freaking burn anything off...This is Fishaholic and I approve this message.
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