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Old 04-22-2015, 09:50 AM
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capt coonassty capt coonassty is offline
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Pretty interesting. Paying guys not to fish. What about all the poor red snapper?

Pelagic longline bycatch reduction project, Gulf of Mexico, $20 million. Restoration of pelagic -- open-ocean -- fish affected by the spill is the goal of the project. Long-line fishing in the Gulf gnerally targets yellowfin tuna and swordfish, but fishers often take "incidental catch," other fish, and discard them, including marlin, sharks, Atlantic bluefin tuna, and smaller than allowed individuals of the target species. The project would attempt to reduce accidential catch by compensating fishers who agree not to fish during an annual 6-moth period that coincides with the bluefin tuna spawning season. Fishers also would be provided with two alternative gear types for use in catching yellowfin tuna and swordfish during the "repose period."
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