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Old 05-31-2015, 02:32 PM
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keakar keakar is offline
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so lets see, if you don't work in this country you get:

permanent never ending unemployment checks without even having to prove you are trying to look for a job.

social security full time permanent disability based on being depressed because you cant find a job (or just too lazy to)

a free phone.

free internet access which must include a new internet access upgraded phones or laptops.

food stamps


SSI (supplemental security income) on top of and in addition to food stamps and welfare

free government housing if you pay $1 a month on the house note. (had one living next door with that and they failed to even pay the $1 a month and got kicked out lol)

================================================== ========

so why is it we are supposed to get a job and work hard again?

is it just to pay 40% or our money in taxes to pay for all this free crap others get?

then when we die they want to take a big chunk of taxes out of anything we do somehow manage to own or save to leave to our kids

Last edited by keakar; 05-31-2015 at 02:45 PM.
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