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Old 06-24-2015, 10:01 PM
irokcj5 irokcj5 is offline
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Originally Posted by silver_snipe View Post
Well I like Bobby but I too have my doubts about him being in the top office. I would vote for him against any of the declared Dem candidates. I agree that I have held my nose voting for the establishment GOP candidate but we have to get away from the far left dems. If we stick together and get rid of the far left liberal then we can focus of moving further to the right. If we all write in a good candidate then we waste our vote and that is a good as voting for the far left liberal. As of now I do not support any one. I am leaning toward Perry simply because people I respect are endorsing him. We have to stick together and get rid of the far left. With that being said I have not seen any dem I would vote for over Bobby. So in that situation I too would vote for him.

We have to unite for a more right candidate!
With all due respect sir, holding the line expecting to see a difference and bring the country back from destruction, is what we have been trying. The house and senate is owned by the republicans, and they are giving this traitor of a president everything he wants. These guys like Beiner, McConnel, and their minions are just as much of a traitor to this great country as the POTUS and all deserve the harshest penalties that is due to a traitor. I do not see any advantage of holding the line any more. What is the difference when we get republicans who once in power act like democrats. I hear what you are saying, but I'm 52 and I'm done towing the line only to be deflated. I will say so far, I would maybe vote for Perry, Cruz, Paul, maybe Kasich (ms?). I'm going to keep abreast to what they say and do. But if it is Christi, Bush, Jendal, sorry, I'm not holding my nose one more time.
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