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Old 07-01-2015, 01:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Nickt87 View Post
What about surveying them right there the instant they do the HIP. EVERY waterfowler has to have the HIP EVERY year. I don't think it'll put the little cashier at Academy in too big of a bind, its only another 5 questions. Besides, she doesn't take anytime on the HIP anyway, she just hits all zeros, maybe she can take that time to actually do the survey!

The most dedicated hunter's that dug out the survey online deserve to have their voice heard. Not disregarded.
I agree. I would say that the dedicated hunter's surveys aren't biased, they are simply the ones who care most, the ones with the most experience, and the ones with the most knowlege on what actually goes on with the waterfowl in their particular area.

To me, that is more valueable than Joe Blow who hunts 4 times a year and still has an opinion.
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