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Old 07-09-2015, 10:26 AM
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Originally Posted by duckman1911 View Post
Because sponsors and paid members are the reason you get your free stuff. It really looks bad when you openly admit you aren't willing to support the site. It's $6 a month. Really. Just a welfare leach. I'm guessing you don't have a business. It take $ to keep this site going. When paid peeps get tired of supporting free loaders and bail there will be no sc for you to visit. You are a blood sucking leach.
HAHA! Yep I have no business. Just on welfare...

This is a business. Whomever is the owner has his/her free rights to put on the internet anything free or for profit. It is the proprietor's decision.

Now, if the "free" stuff is taken away that is the operator of this web-sites deciscion, but he/she may start losing advertisement revenue. Or the people may decide to pay for this service. That is the risk the operator has to make.

Or the operator can start beating down his cost of bandwidth and such. I did that with my business (or am I on welfare)...

But for you to get bent out of shape by me stating a view from a user that the operator can use to improve his/her product and try to raise revenue isn't good form. So stop ...I like many people are not paying because it really isn't necessary. And the operator is making money off of advertising or should be. That's how facebook, yahoo, linkin and others do it. It's a great business model. I use yahoo and linkin in addition to this and I don't pay for those services.

Now a way to get someone like me to pay money is maybe to offer a free preview to the premium. I may see I like or need it and would be willing to pay. Like I said right now, I get what I want. 5 to 10 minute break a day to see if anyone is catching/killing/playing/etc.

Or even offer a payment plan which a percentage is used for marsh restoration or research on Big Lake or such. Again not my decision, but could be a good time to poll the audience. Market it a little or something.
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