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Old 07-21-2015, 09:08 PM
irokcj5 irokcj5 is offline
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Originally Posted by parker23 View Post
Yes, you can have great days without believing in God, although I can no longer imagine a day without thanking God for all the gifts he has given to me. He's not going to take them away just because you don't thank him for them. I've always have had a strong belief in my abilities. However there came a point when all of my efforts and abilities could not solve my problems. I was whipped down, tired and depressed. I was raised to believe in God but I don't think I truely believed, maybe understood is a better word. I gave up on my abilities and sincerely prayed: Father, I've done everything I can do. It's your problem. Immediately the stress and depression was gone and I felt like my prayer had been answered. The next day the problem was solved. I thank my parents for teaching me were to turn, but I believe in God because of things that he has done in my life that human abilities alone can't.
Thanks for your testimony brother, strength and faith is best shared through personal experiences.
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