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Old 07-29-2015, 09:22 AM
kcinnick kcinnick is offline
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Get two poles. Sticks, bamboo, whatever. Someone turned me on to angled aluminum a couple of years ago.

Get 100 feet of braided nylon, I like a 3/8's sized line.

Get a roll of catfish line or any string really.

I tie weights on the line, 1/2 oz every 15 feet or so, and a chicken neck directly to the line every 5 feet or so. Tie your main line to the two poles and stick them in the water about waist deep.

Walk the line holding a dip net in hand, pick it up by one pole and walk along gently bringing the line to the surface. When you see a crab or 3, bring the dip net up under the crab and they will release as you break the surface of the water with the chicken neck.

Don't worry about drop lines or special bait hooks, they just get in the way. You want to make sure you line is on the bottom but not too loose. When they are running, you won't be able to keep up.
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