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Old 07-29-2015, 10:49 AM
kcinnick kcinnick is offline
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You can skip the drop lines and tie the necks directly to the main line.

Get chicken necks, if you can't find any (hi neighbor, winn dixie usually have them) the grocery store on the island has them for $.89 a pound. I always buy before going, sometimes they don't have any. We went last week. Friday nothing, Saturday 2 dozen or so, Sunday filled two ice chests in less than an hour and call it quits. We could have caught more, but as I get older (damn I feel old and I am 32) and I am the one doing the boiling enough to eat for the day is good for me. Usually I count, but since we caught so many, so fast I was getting a dozen crabs or more a run. My guess after cooking them was about 10 dozen that hour. We thought it was 5-6 dozen, but we had 7 dozen crabs left over after people left our house!
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