Thread: Rattlesnake
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Old 09-14-2015, 10:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Jasonf View Post
I find it interesting that there is something hard wired into us (or at least me) that is an involuntary draw back when a snake strikes. Even one I know 100% is non venomous and not a threat. I have been struck at or bitten by non venomous snakes in catching them quickly but still have a hard time making myself stay steady when one strikes at me. In our subconscious I guess we are programmed to see all snakes as threats and avoid them.

And I agree about poisonous snakes in my yard. Still have to protect first and educate second.
I made my boa mad one night and I knew she was gona bite me. I just stuck my hand out and let her do it. It was an odd feeling though. I dosed off on the floor with her beside me. When I woke up she was going under our bed. I grabbed her by the tail and tried to pull her out. She didn't like that at all. I knew I shouldn't have but if you can imagine what it is like to get a 6' snake out of a box spring matress you'll understand why I did It. That's not She calmed down after I let her bite me.
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