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Old 12-14-2015, 08:44 AM
yigodiver yigodiver is offline
Trophy Trout
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: New Iberia
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NICE job,
Was out there on Sat, put 8 in the boat, did not see another boat land a fish. Had to head in early, son had a soccer match in Layfayette. We also boated a big Gar, learned how to clean it and now in freezer, now on th hunt for a good Gar recipe.
I was able to find a few fish, but it seemed the bite would not get going, also stumbled on a spot that always holds bait, it finally produced some trout, I think if the wind was not so bad and I could have slowed the drift the spot may have done the job. I stayed with my poppin cork trick did not stray from that, should start trying other methods too.
I hope to get out there this week, as I am off and hope to fish as much as possible.
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