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Old 02-02-2016, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by keakar View Post
they are indoctrinated as young kids just like jihadists.

the old saying was kids grow up as social democrats with liberal minds and once they go out into the real world and experience it for themselves, they learn how those views are wrong and become republicans.

well that only works if they do go out on their own but todays kids live in dads house until they are 50 and never have to learn lifes lessons so this "assumed" idea that its ok for kids to be taught to be liberal is now biting us in the back side.

it starts in high schools and is almost without exception forced learning in all colleges to think and act as a socialist liberal or you are ostracized and made fun of and many courses will fail you if you don't conform to that warped thinking.

until all colleges are cleared of all these America hating liberal teachers and their socialist leanings, we wont have a normal democratic society of people who are capable of rational thinking and open minded objectivism.

that plus almost without exception, most kids first register to vote while still in schools where the teachers tell them to just register as democrats and they can change it later if they want to so the sheer number of registered democrats stems from being taught by liberal teachers that republicans are all that is evil in the world.

so 2 reasons

1 voters vote democrat because they are on the public dole and democrats are the ones handing out free goodies taken from those who work.

2 the reason democrats cant tolerate any non socialist liberal thoughts or ideas is because that's how they were programed to think in school and no other descent or alternate voices were allowed to be heard there.
I think you and I went to two vastly different colleges.
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