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Old 02-02-2016, 03:37 PM
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AlexOrtego AlexOrtego is offline
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Originally Posted by capt coonassty View Post
26, Graduated in 2013. I should be a prime example of a young mind brainwashed by the system. This is not the case. I was never pressured or molded by any professors outside of the curriculum. I don't necessarily think its the professors, more of the type of students that go to college and are outspoken about the things they care about.

This seems like a cycle, it happened in the 60's.
to sum it up, parents aren't whipping/holding their kids accountable these days..... which to me will result into "crappy" adults MOST of the time

parents tend to point the finger and place the blame elsewhere... I have a little boy 14 months old and I promise you he will be corrected the way I was corrected and will play outside instead of being glued to an iPad(i wont claim he wont have tons of technology around him but he will not be inside all day long while he's with dad)

^just my opinion, a parenting problem which turns into crappy adults, who then reproduce and then it SNOWBALLs
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