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Old 02-05-2016, 08:37 AM's Avatar is offline
Trophy Trout
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Texas
Posts: 392
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I agree, One tournament I was actually in the boat and it was calm. Some guys pulled in behind us and got out and waded right where we just TM'd through... about 20 mins later they hooked up a couple fish. We moved a little further up and we hit some fish as well. I think it depends on the shoreline and the structure, this particular drop off was known for guys standing in one place and waiting for the fish to move up and down the shoreline including some big fish. Now if it had been windier, and there was a lot of hull slap, that might push them off as well. All that said, I've drift right through propwash before and have caught fish right where a boat just passed, one time it was even my propwash. The fish get used to it to some extent, I think some even begin to use it to feed on injured bait that get's hit. Does it piss my off when someone potlicks me....sure, It's all nice an peacefull and then they show up.. but it's all part of sharing the water. It doesn't always mean it's ruined... sometimes it is though.
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