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Old 02-11-2016, 08:48 PM
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simplepeddler simplepeddler is offline
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Stop payments to EVERY SINGLE legislator until this gets fixed.
Listen to our state treasurer for once and stop paying for 19,000 consultants.

root out ALL fraud in medicare/medicaid

I'll take the one cent sales tax- at least everyone participates

put those capable of working that are on welfare -working

Stop the state tractors cutting grass and line up pot heads in jail shoulder to shoulder with push mowers cutting state grass

Drug testing for welfare reciepients
Subsistence food only for those that can work and choose not to.

Reduce welfare payments over five years by 20% a year for those capable of working and choose not

and lastly a 50% tax on all awards over 500K to be paid by the TRIAL LAWYER because it was those that put him in office.
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