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Old 02-12-2016, 03:49 PM
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cajun_poboy cajun_poboy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
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The poor leadership by Jindal and his inability to work with the legislature to find real solutions to our problems has left our state finances completely wrecked. Whatever governor came in would already be setup to fail. Fact is, the legislature is out of control with spending and they have no interest in stopping. Just last year, they conned the citizens into putting more spending bills under constitutional protection. And we voted to approve it. All the while, oil prices were dropping in the toilet and taking income away. Now, here we sit complaining because we don't want more taxes and we don't want cuts to education but the constitution says that we have to balance. So, where does the money come from to do this?
The last several years, there have been motions to convene a constitutional convention to try to remove out of date spending programs. Every one of those motions has been voted down by the legislature. And yet we continue to vote these same fools back into office because "they did such a good job". Looks like we are also part of the problem.
I agree with Matt that there will have to be some hard choices made to correct things. I certainly don't want any new taxes, but... I would be willing to accept a limited term tax ALONG with removal of constitutional protection for spending programs that are not vital infrastructure programs.

just my 2 cents
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