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Old 03-11-2016, 02:06 PM
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Originally Posted by seachaser250 View Post
Show me a third party candidate that actually has a chance to win and I'll vote for them. Today it's more important for me to cast a vote that helps keep a democrat out of the White House. I don't like voting that way but it's the reality for now.

If there was ever a non establishment type that had a real chance to be President, its Trump. I don't agree with everything he say's but he is far from being apart of the establishment.
Devil's advocate here - We also get real tired of people that will vote Dem no matter what, but some of us all do exactly the same thing by voting a Republican just to keep the Dem out.

If you don't like voting for the lesser of two evils, vote libertarian. If more people did, you would really see change, and not change that is talked about. The majority of Republicans are no longer true Conservatives. They like to think they are but look at the voting records and the increases in government spending they are partly responsible for. They say one thing and do another.

"The right wing and the left wing are all part of the same bird"
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