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Old 04-13-2016, 01:27 PM
Dogface Dogface is offline
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Originally Posted by jpeff31787 View Post
according to this only 10-15% were acquired illegally. Seems pretty tough to find a true percentage though. But if that's true then stricter gun laws may affect 85-90% of criminals IF they have a previous criminal record.
Probably the reason only 10-15% were illegal is that the original purchase was legal. Then they were stolen, given or whatever and ended up on the street. Again, if a person has a criminal background that person cannot legally purchase a gun. You MUST pass a Federal background check. As Southern said, we don't need more laws, the laws on the books need to be enforced. The fact that the cities with the most strict gun laws have the most crime should tell everyone that more laws will not work. Just check the crime rate in Chicago, D.C and others with very tough gun laws. It just doesn't work!! The lawbreakers aren't concerned with the law.
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