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Old 04-25-2016, 10:10 AM
Jrchip1 Jrchip1 is offline
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What kind of Salinity meter did you/do you use? Thanks for reporting that info.

I got a Cheapo meter that cost less than $30.00 off da net that was originally calibrated 0-10 ppt NaCl. I recalibrated it to go from 0-15 ppt. Anything over 15 ppt is OK in my world, fishing wise . According to da net, Specs like 12-35 ppt NaCl. I used drinking water as 0 ppt and "X" amount of table salt/qt of drinking water = 30 ppt. I diluted that amount by 2 = 15 ppt, to equal my 2nd, straight line/"so-so" calibration point (because the Cheapo didn't do well with a 0-30 spread). It fits in my shirt pocket like a pen. Probably not very accurate, but close enough for fishing purposes.

Last edited by Jrchip1; 04-25-2016 at 10:29 AM.
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