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Old 07-07-2016, 03:00 PM
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alphaman alphaman is offline
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Originally Posted by Matt G View Post
As a law enforcement officer, how do you approach a call in which someone pulled a gun on another person? Gun drawn? Same way as you would someone jay walking? I'm honestly curious. Is that something you were trained in, or does the situation dictate the approach? I would imagine adrenaline is high and emotions are on edge. Especially if the call were in a crime ridden part of town.

As far as the guy not being able to get to that gun, I call BS. Watch the video closely. At no point in time did they have full control of his right hand. I'll bet you two guys could try to restrain me in the same manner and I could get to whatever was in my pocket. Anyone who has been in any sort of physical altercation would probably make the same bet. Not to mention that he had on baggy pants which would only make it easier to get to the gun, He wouldn't have even had to get it out of his pocket to get a shot off. Basically a variation of retention shooting.

I feel terrible for the man's family. It was heartbreaking watching his son break down at that press conference. But at the end of the day all of this could have been avoided had he just complied.
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