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Old 07-18-2016, 12:21 PM
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Crawl79 Crawl79 is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Washington, La
Posts: 581
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Out OF Vbay I try to stay away from platorms and on shell pads that aren't marked. I normally try out at least 2-3 new to me pads every time I go in hopes one will produce so will have some new areas to fish. Some have silted over, some just don't hold fish for some reason.

A year or two ago we were catching good and bite slowed down a bit so decided to go check some of the new spots I had pulled up that past week. Showed up at one and it must have been a known spot as there were two boats near the location. We decided to sit back and watch. Noticed they were only catching occasional white trout and also noticed neither boat were on the right location. Hollered at the closer boat and asked if they minded if we setup behind them about 60 yards.
We ended up using the same technique we were using at our previous spot and putting some nice trout in the boat. The secret that day was to hold rod high and run the bait almost on the surface. Let the other boat know and they immediately started catching as well. Ended up being good for both of us. So not always bad to fish near other boats, just be courteous and respectful.

At same time I don't know how many times but see us out in middle of no where and will slow down, circles us once then off to the platforms. We just hold our rods down or pretend like we checking ice chests.
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