Thread: let's help!!
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Old 08-18-2016, 09:07 AM
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latravcha latravcha is offline
Red Snapper
Join Date: May 2010
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Guys what I'm about to say will probably piss a lot of people off. Money is great but I feel that you can help a lot more by donating time. My family has already spent hundreds of dollars on cleaning supplies, personal hygiene products, and clothes to donate to our church. We have been slow at work so I took yesterday off and contacted 7 fiends that were able to do the same. We made some calls and were able to find someone whose house had flooded and the water was out of the house. We showed early yesterday morning and began taking everything out of the house and were able to strip all of the sheet rock out of the house. We finished up about 2:30pm. As we were leaving the neighborhood we noticed an older couple standing in their driveway and stopped and asked if they needed help. At first they were a little reluctant and said they could not pay. We explained that we did not want any money. Long story short by 7:30 we had everything out of the house and half of the sheet rock off of the walls. We explained that we could not finish today but some of us would be back in the morning. I was not able to make it back this morning because of work but some of the others did and I will be doing the same thing Friday and through the weekend. I would guess that 90% of the people that are on the page live less than 40 miles from areas that were impacted by the floods. Instead go going fishing or to the camp to get ready for hunting season this weekend think about those who are in need. Get some people together and go to an area that was flooded and find someone that needs help.
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