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Old 08-24-2016, 10:15 PM
Sightwindow Sightwindow is offline
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Originally Posted by speck-addict View Post
Being that both fish are aggressive feeders you really don't have to do much. The fish comes smokes the bait and starts swimming away, immediately the circle hooks goes into effect if you have resistance on the line. basically they hit it hard enough that when the line gets tight and they are swimming away it sits pretty in the corner of their mouth right away. No need for a 7 count. In the fall my brother and I were down in pecan Island with friends on the coast and we had 20-25 bull reds in one day in the surf. Him and I hook up ratio was better then anyone else and we were strictly using circle hooks, with a cuardo 20# power pro and 30# floro leader with live/dead mullet. medium-heavy rod. Berkley lightening rod if any of you guys remember those.
The circle hooks always you to keep the drag at whater pound you would normally fight the fish and also you can start fighting the fish right away no need to do a count.
I find that slowly lifting the rod tip as the bite is happening makes the fish want that bait that much more and hits it harder. The thing that makes using circles so hard is that you have to learn to NOT SET THE HOOK the circle hook does all the work.
Thanks. I'm interested mostly in small reds and all sized trout, not bull reds. You're saying that if using croakers for trout you do not have to give them any kid of a count once you feel them hit it? Just start reeling and the fish will be hooked?
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