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Old 08-25-2016, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by Sightwindow View Post
Thanks. I'm interested mostly in small reds and all sized trout, not bull reds. You're saying that if using croakers for trout you do not have to give them any kid of a count once you feel them hit it? Just start reeling and the fish will be hooked?
Yes and no, When the fish hits sometimes the don't take the bait right away especially with croaker. You basically hook the fish the same time you would set the hook on a J style hook. But instead of the major jerk, just keep your rod pointed at a 45 degree angle and reel till he starts fighting.

Circle hooks are my facorite but it did take time to learn how to use them. For trout I use ant size from a size 1 perfect circle hook to a 2/0 circle hook.

When buying circle hooks, you will see 2 types offset or perfect circles, I suggest using both until you find one you like more, A offset tends to hook the fish deeper in the gut some times a perfect circle does not. Just play around with it and see which you like more.
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