Thread: permanent ban
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Old 09-04-2016, 06:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Dogface View Post
Im surprised you think that about gun controll. I hope you are right but I think we could see a lot happen to take our 2nd amendment rights away. 8 years ago did you think you would have to worry about a man walking into your daughters rest room? Or a business owner being sued or put out of business because they refused to bake a cake for a same sex marriage? The liberals are relentless and will never stop trying to take away our rights and to give complete controll to the government.
I agree. Too many think it's not possible or at least a legitimate threat. Say Hillary wins and the Dems also gain the house and the senate. Supreme Court picks won't really matter because they'll be bypassed.
I try to explain to people that if the black Sububans pull up at your house and the black suits ask for your guns you then have three options. Give them up, go to prison or use your guns. It's really that simple at that point.
I don't understand people that think it can never come to that or say it will never happen in our lifetime. Good thing our founding fathers weren't just worried about their lifetime.
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