Thread: permanent ban
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Old 09-04-2016, 09:24 PM
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Marque Marque is offline
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Ummm, alright I said I was going to ignore y'all and I will after I ask this one little question. So for the ATF or whoever to roll up at your house to take your weapons I am pretty sure there would have to be a new amendment to the constitution repealing the second amendment. I know being proud libertarians you guys must know what it takes to pass an amendment to the constitution. So this country who has beenn 50/50 Dem/Rep or Con/Lib for pretty much its entire existence all of a sudden becomes 75/25 and starts ratifying the constitution? For what? I think 60 senators have favorable ratings with the NRA. Its just not gonna happen. You guys need to find a new boogie man. Alright, I out.
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