Thread: Grrrrrrrrrrrr
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Old 09-09-2016, 09:16 AM
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latravcha latravcha is offline
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I have said this for years. I don't have a problem with helping people who are on hard times, but the current system is broke. With all of the benefits available people have learned to make a decent living off of the system, and don't have to work.
Over 25 years ago I did my senior research paper on the failures of the American welfare system and ways to correct it. Wish I could find that paper.

I believe the one of the first steps to fix the problems are commodity stores for families requiring assistance with food. The stores should be set up and managed by the state and worked by the individuals needing the assistance. The store should be stocked withe basic generic foods. No choice steaks, seafood, soft drinks, or prepared foods. For individuals who do not live in a community with commodity stores the food will be delivered to their community. They are provided with a list of available items and place the order over the phone.

Welfare benefits should be addressed by requiring those who require assistance to work for what they get. Everyday when I drive to work I see roads that need repair, parks that need to be fixed, trash that needs to be picked up on the side of the road, and many other municipal projects that need to be completed. People should have to report to a work center 4 days a week and be assigned to a crew to work. If they don't show they don't get paid. On they day they are off the should be required to prove that the were out seeking employment. I also see this as a way of teaching some people a skill. In Morgan City they just completed building an Emergency Center at the cost of $11 million plus. If they used the people that the government was already paying to help with the labor needs to construct the building imagine the cost savings in labor. This would also give the workers and opportunity at learning a skill they did not have before.

The American government has created an economy that is dependent on the welfare system.

Originally Posted by pricecb View Post
Need to go back to commodities. Big block of Cheese, powder milk, peanut butter and some ther staples. Pick it up after the work detail brings you back from trash duty or cleaning gov offices or work at old folks homes.
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