Thread: Speck Calls
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Old 09-16-2016, 02:19 PM
boatdriver boatdriver is offline
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Originally Posted by bmatte8 View Post
I know guys that are very average callers and kill limits every day. I also know very good (competition) callers that don't kill very many limits at all. I think it's got way more to do with where you are than it does how well you can call.

There's much to be said about guys that actually know how to read and work birds too. there's a big difference between being able to run a call at a high level and being able to put birds on the strap.

No doubt! I agree 110% I also know guys that are terrible at calling, but can read birds and seem to just "know" what to do and when. It amazes me every time. All this talk about specks is getting me excited to talk to some bellies!!

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